Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Are You Allergic to Your Company?


Sometimes you need to step away from your company.... Don't ever overlook the importance of meeting with the leaders in your industry. Your business always benefits from their insight one way or another.

Read on for more...

I remember when a mastermind meeting where something incredibly strange, something that has never happened to me before went down.

I'll explain in a few as it's implications have a direct effect on your business, but first . . .
I want to say simply, that the reason I was to meet and mastermind with other business builders. To be in such an environment is crucial to your success.


Two reasons . . .
First, you're in a new environment that will afford you the opportunity to think outside of your regular box of business building.
Every time I put myself in such a position I come away with new insights that directly effect my bank account.
Sometimes it's not from exactly what was said, but rather the insights spring from being the environment itself.
I can't tell you how many times the answer that was alluding me for months simply popped up at a meeting like this. If you are serious about reaching the pinnacles of your success - making millions, or simply being on the cutting edge at all times
I highly suggest you do the same.

Second, because the online world can be very myopic - you against the world.
When things aren't going right it's easy, when it's just you, to think you're the only one. Only when you continually meet with other high level success seekers do you truly see and comprehend that your problems aren't so individual and gain strength in that insight.
Only in such an environment can you calm down, refocus, and realize that "all is well" and charge forward.

But to my strange day . . .
The second day of our little meeting something that has never happened to my before in my life happened.
I walked into the meeting room about 10 minutes early for our 8:30 am start and started sneezing. Nothing new here . . .
But what was strange is the sneezing never stopped. It got so bad that I had to go back to the room and take a nap.
Even then, when I awoke I was still sneezing.I missed more than half the day going through this craziness.
Even in the afternoon when we reconvened I was still sneezing.

I was allergic to something, and it frustrated the heck out of me. I wanted to be in the room learning and growing with the other participants, but my allergies wouldn't let me.

In your business, understand that there is a very real possibility that the same exact thing is happening to you.
Sure, you're not sneezing your head off like I was, but there very well could be something that is keeping you back.
So many people I've consulted with are quite literally allergic to something in their business, and they don't even know it. The result is less than the result they'd like.

For some, it's that they are not in the RIGHT business for them. Meaning they're not putting themselves into a vehicle best suited for their unique talents and abilities.
For others, they're listening to the wrong advice. Just because your upline "says" do something doesn't make it the best possible solution for you to create wealth.

In fact, it could be the very thing holding you back. Let nothing stop you.
When I was sneezing the only way for me to know that it was, in fact, the hotel we stayed in was to leave and see how my body reacted to a different environment.
Maybe the same advice would do you well. Maybe it's not you that's holding you back. Maybe it's your company or your upline, but you won't know unless you take a step back to see.

Pull yourself out . . . Look at the situation analytically. Try a few new things on your own, and just maybe you'll find that you were allergic to something you didn't even know.
That the effort you exerted was right, but where and how was way off.

Well if so, fix this one thing and you're on easy street.There is no greater truth than to understand that JUST because you're in a business doesn't mean it's the right business for you.

Take sometime to really think about this today . . .

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